Lorenzo Lupo

I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Bocconi University, working on natural language processing and its applications to social and economic challenges. In the past year, I worked on the assessment of social inequalities by leveraging Twitter data, and on the use of LLMs to annotate social sciences corpora like the European Political Manifestos and Swedish institutional documents. Recently, I am engaging with AI safety and governance, following an in-depth course by AI Safety Fundamentals.

During my PhD, I worked at Grenoble University on context-aware neural machine translation. Previously, I worked on automatic grammatical error correction at Indigo AI, and on reinforcement learning at Politecnico di Milano. I graduated in mathematical engineering at Politecnico di Milano and Ecole Centrale Paris, and obtained a MS in social and sustainable innovation from Politecnico di Milano.



Beyond the Stats: Realities, Perception, and Social Media Discourse on Poverty
Paul Bose, Lorenzo Lupo, Mahyar Habibi, Dirk Hovy, Carlo Schwarz
AEA Papers and Proceedings 2024


DADIT: A Dataset for Demographic Classification of Italian Twitter Users and a Comparison of Prediction Methods
Lorenzo Lupo, Paul Bose, Mahyar Habibi, Dirk Hovy, Carlo Schwarz

pdf | code

How to Use LLMs for Text Coding: The Case of Fatherhood Roles in Public Policy Documents
Lorenzo Lupo, Oscar Magnusson, Dirk Hovy, Elin Naurin, Lena Wängnerud
preprint on arXiv

pdf | code

Encoding Sentence Position in Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation with Concatenation
Lorenzo Lupo, Marco Dinarelli, Laurent Besacier
Insights 2023

pdf | code

Focused Concatenation for Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation
Lorenzo Lupo, Marco Dinarelli, Laurent Besacier
WMT 2022

pdf | code

Divide and Rule: Effective Pre-Training for Context-Aware Multi-Encoder Translation Models
Lorenzo Lupo, Marco Dinarelli, Laurent Besacier
ACL 2022

pdf | code

Optimistic Policy Optimization via Multiple Importance Sampling
Matteo Papini, Alberto Metelli, Lorenzo Lupo, Marcello Restelli
ICML 2019

pdf | code


  • 11/2023 - current: Alex Lucchini on Mapping the EU Political Landscape on Population Ageing.
  • 09/2023 - current: Michele Scarnera on Job Shop Scheduling with Priority Function Embeddings.
  • 09/2023 - current: Derya Durmush on the MENTALISM project.
  • 02/2021 - 08/2021: Laura Alonzo Canul on Efficient Transformers for long context-aware neural machine translation.



  • 23/05/2024: "DADIT: A Dataset for Demographic Classification of Italian Twitter Users and a Comparison of Prediction Methods"
    @ LREC-COLING 2024 , Turin, Italy. Poster here.
  • 21-22/04/2024: MENTALISM Conference
    Co-organized the MENTALISM Conference on Computational Social Sciences @Bocconi University.
  • 18/03/2024: "Towards Human-Level Text Coding with LLMs"
    @ DAISI Breakfast Bytes , Milan, Italy. Slides here.
  • 26/10/2023: "Value Kaleidoscope: Engaging AI with Pluralistic Values" by Sorensen et al.
    @ MilanNLP reading group, Milan, Italy. Slides here.
  • 26/10/2023: "The uselessness of AI ethics" by Luke Munn
    @ MilanNLP reading group, Milan, Italy. Slides here.
  • 11/05/2023: "One Embedder, Any Task: Instruction-Finetuned Text Embeddings" by Su et al.
    @ MilanNLP reading group, Milan, Italy. Slides here.
  • 28/03/2023: Challenges and Remedies for Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation
    @ PhD defence, Grenoble, France. Slides here.
  • 07/12/2022: Focused concatenation for context-aware neural machine translation
    @ 7th Conference on Machine Translation, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Slides here.
  • 05/12/2022: Towards document-level neural machine translation
    @ MIAI-DAYS 2022, Grenoble, France.
  • 23/06/2022: Divide&Rule: pre-training for context-aware multi-encoder translation models
    @ 60th Annual Meeting of the ACL, Dublin, Ireland.
  • 05/10/2021: Divide&Rule: pre-training for context-aware multi-encoder translation models
    @ Naver Labs Europe, Grenoble, France.
  • 10/07/2021: Recent advances in document-level neural machine translation
    @ LIG-GETALP, Grenoble, France.


  • 04-06/2024: AI Governance
    Attended an in-depth course about AI Governance by AI Safety Fundamentals.
  • 01-04/2024: BEAT Program on Advanced Teaching
    Attended a course on advanced teaching organized by Bocconi University and targeting Professors and teaching postdocs (like myself).